A creator’s view on A.I & how to embrace it as a tool

Exploring the world of A.I with moses.aurelius
moses.aurelius headshot place holder

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so does the intersection of artificial intelligence (A.I) and creative industries.

In this fourth installment of our A.I series on the Vamp blog, we delve into the world of A.I-driven creativity with Moses Aurelius, a renowned photographer and filmmaker based in Sydney, Australia. Creator of some of the most stunning creatives on the Vamp platform, Moses has successfully leveraged A.I tools to enhance his creative process and streamline his workflow.

Through this interview, we aim to uncover how A.I has influenced his craft, the specific tools he finds invaluable, and his perspective on the role of A.I in the creative sector. At Vamp, we understand the worries marketers and creators have around the potential dangers of A.I but we truly believe it’s a tool that will bring huge positives to the creator economy as a whole. Moses’ insights into A.I’s impact on creativity provide a perfect complement to our mission of empowering creators and marketers through innovative solutions.

Check out some of Moses’ work from campaigns run on the Vamp platform

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and the type of creative work you specialize in?

Hey, I’m Moses! I’m a photographer and filmmaker based in Sydney, Australia. Known for my unique colour grading and cinematic style, I aim to capture unique moments and visual storytelling within my work. I specialise in street, portrait and travel photography and also regularly post educational content on how to colour grade photos and videos.

2. What are some specific projects or tasks where you’ve found A.I particularly useful or impactful?

The Generative Expand feature in Photoshop has been invaluable for transforming the aspect ratio of my photos seamlessly. Whether it’s transitioning from square, vertical or landscape orientations, this A.I-powered tool ensures that my images look stunning and optimised for any social media platform, whilst also preventing me from having to crop and potentially lose image quality.

Another powerful A.I tool I rely on is Generative Fill in Photoshop. It allows me to remove distracting objects from photos within seconds, significantly speeding up my workflow. When it comes to wanting to remove distracting elements in my photos, Generative Fill delivers impressive results while preserving the natural look of the scene. This not only enhances the visual appeal of my images but also enables me to achieve professional results efficiently and effectively.

“A.I tools should be seen as collaborators rather than replacements, allowing artists to maintain control over the creative process while benefiting from A.I assistance.”

3. How do you perceive A.I in the creative industry: as a tool to enhance creativity, a potential replacement for certain tasks, or something else entirely?

I believe A.I can be a very helpful tool to enhance creativity. A.I-powered tools can streamline workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and provide inspiration for new creative directions. For example, Generative Fill in Adobe Photoshop can suggest composition improvements or generate artistic effects that content creators can then refine and customise to suit their vision.

4. In your opinion, what are some misconceptions or fears surrounding A.I, and how do you address them in your own work?

I’ve seen that there is a fear that A.I will automate creative decisions and diminish the role of the content creator. However, A.I tools should be seen as collaborators rather than replacements, allowing artists to maintain control over the creative process while benefiting from A.I assistance. As a content creator, I am still solely responsible for creating and envisioning creative concepts, following project briefs and then producing that content in my specific style, all while having A.I assist me in completing these objectives.

There are also concerns about the ethical implications of A.I in content creation, such as image manipulation, deepfakes, and privacy issues. I believe it is essential for all content creators to use A.I responsibly, respect ethical guidelines and disclose when A.I tools are used to significantly alter or generate images.

5. How do you strike a balance between leveraging A.I tools and maintaining your own creative vision and style?

When I decide to use A.I for my projects, I integrate A.I tools into my workflow selectively, using them to streamline repetitive tasks or explore new creative possibilities while still retaining control over the final output.

This is usually done in a 90/10 or 80/20 balance, where 80-90% of my work is original content (e.g. photographs I take, videos I record, editing and colour grading), whilst 10-20% is dedicated to speed up my workflow for certain tasks like script writing, grammar/punctuation checking and removing small objects or unwanted areas in a photograph.

I also seek feedback from peers and clients to ensure that my use of AI enhances rather than detracts from the impact and authenticity of my work. Reflecting on the ethical and creative implications of A.I usage helps me navigate its integration into my creative process responsibly.

“I believe it is essential for all content creators to use A.I responsibly, respect ethical guidelines and disclose when A.I tools are used to significantly alter or generate images.”

Moses Aurelius’ journey with AI exemplifies the transformative potential of these tools in the hands of skilled creators. By embracing AI, he has not only enhanced his artistic output but also set a precedent for balancing technological assistance with human creativity.

At Vamp, we are committed to supporting such visionary creators and facilitating seamless collaboration between them and marketers. Stay tuned as we continue to explore the dynamic world of AI and its profound implications for the future of content creation.

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