What’s trending on TikTok this June?

Discover the latest trends and tips on how your brand can join TikTok's trending conversations.
What’s trending on TikTok this June?

Seasonal trends for both sides of the Hemisphere and a new fashion trend with Gen Z’s name written all over it.


If you’re struggling to keep up, or you’re wondering how to make these trends work for your brand, we have the perfect solution for you.

Introducing: Vamp’s TikTok Trend Report. Your cheat sheet on the four biggest trends, right now.

Below you’ll discover what they are, why they’ve gone viral, and how your brand can join the trending conversations.

These are the #SlaysOfTheWeek


What is it?

Using #SlaysOfTheWeek and this new trending audio, creators share a compilation of their carefully crafted daily looks or better known as ‘slays of the week’. 

Why is it trending?

It speaks directly to fashion-loving Gen Zers in a fun and humorous way. 

Who should jump on it?

Fashion, and even beauty brands, could tap into this trend by partnering with creators to show off how they achieve their daily ‘slays’ using your products. 

Life crisis averted


What is it?

Using this trending audio, creators share a major crisis, such as their life falling apart, followed up by their nonsensical, sarcastic, and satirical solution, which is usually food or going shopping.

Why is it trending?

It’s another hilariously relatable trend that can be made relevant to any niche, interest, or topic.

Who should jump on it?

Any brand can join in on this trend by sarcastically claiming that the solution to someone’s life falling apart is to shop with you. This creator has already shared a great, and organic, example for department store, Target.

#WinterIsHere… and it’s freezing!


What is it?

The hashtag, #WinterIsHere is trending in the Southern Hemisphere as they’ve officially plunged into winter. The cold weather has creators jumping at the chance to create seasonally inspired content for a multitude of different niches.

Why is it trending?

Users are desperately seeking out comforting recipes, outfits, and home styling tips to keep themselves warm, as well as skincare and beauty tips to help save their skin from the cold weather.

Who should jump on it?

Any fashion, food and drink, beauty, and homeware brands could join this trending conversation and partner with creators to showcase their latest seasonal products.

Essentials for a #EuropeanSummer


What is it?

Meanwhile, creators on the other side of the world (or those escaping the cold on a holiday) are using the hashtag, #EuropeanSummer to show off their travel essentials, tips, and itineraries. 

Why is it trending?

Now that international borders are just about back to normal, a European summer is on everyone’s bucket list this year. Travellers are looking for the best products and tips to make it an epic holiday.

Who should jump on it?

Any travel and tourism, lifestyle, beauty, and fashion brands that feel synonymous with summer should partner with creators to show off their must-have products for a Euro summer.

Ready to connect with our creators and start your next TikTok campaign? 

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